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Draft NDAA Seeks to Cut Housing Costs for Military Families

May 23, 2024

John M. Donnelly

Roll Call

Rep. Marilyn Strickland, D-Wash., is among the lawmakers pushing to increase the Pentagon's Basic Housing Allowance. (Tom Williams/CQ Roll Call file photo)

By John M. Donnelly, Roll Call / May 16, 2024

The House Armed Services Committee will take up a defense authorization bill next week that would authorize the Pentagon to spend $1.2 billion to increase housing allowance payments for U.S. servicemembers. 

If the draft National Defense Authorization Act becomes law with that provision intact — and, more importantly, if appropriators provide those funds — it would address one of military families’ top five complaints about their quality of life, according to a 2023 Blue Star Families survey. 

For some servicemembers who live in parts of the country where housing is particularly expensive, such as Washington state, the issue is the No. 1 concern about military life.

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