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DOD Failed to Share Rules on Partisan Politics Before Election Season

June 5, 2024

Nikki Wentling

Marine Corps Times

A federal watchdog said the Pentagon failed to guide troops on what they can and can't do when it comes to political activities during the 2024 presidential election. (Evan Vucci/AP)

By Nikki Wentling, Marine Corps Times / June 4, 2024

The Pentagon failed to properly train and guide troops about off-limits political activities ahead of the 2024 presidential election season, a federal watchdog said.

The lack of communication about Pentagon policies means service members may be prone to violating rules they don’t know exist and portraying the Defense Department as politically partisan, the DOD’s Office of Inspector General argued in a report published May 28.

The IG asked the Pentagon to share a memorandum immediately with all service members to outline what they can’t do during a presidential election.

Read the rest of the article here:
