Audit Report: Controls Over the Return of Repairable Assets : Department of Defense , November 1 , 1996
From the introduction: "The Military Departments' inventory control points (ICPs) manage about 549,000 secondary items identified as depot level repairable (DLR) items. The inventory value was about $50.5 billion as of September 1995. DLR items are identified during the item introduction process and represent those type assets that can usually be economically repaired, on a program basis, and returned to use. DLR items are relatively high unit cost items and are uniquely coded in the Services' logistics systems. Assets requiring repair, recovered from users, are scheduled for repair or rework by depot repair facilities or commercial contractors. The repaired assets are a more economical and more timely source of supply than new procurement. DoD ICPs spend about $6 billion annually for DLRs, about 60 percent for repair programs and the remainder for new procurements."
Authors - Office of Inspector GeneralRelated Resources