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Reducing the Transportation Segment of Logistics Response Time. McLean, VA : Logistics Management Institute , February , 1996

February 1996

Logistics Management Institute

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From the executive summary: "The Department of Defense (DoD) is continuously seeking opportunities to improve the efficiency of its logistics operations. In concert with that thrust, the 1994 and 1995 editions of the Department of Defense Logistics Strategic Plan called for significant reductions in the logistics response time (LRT) for supply shipments destined for activities in the continental United States (CONUS). As one of the primary performance indicators of DoD's logistics system, LRT consists of the time required to submit, receive, and process a requisition; pick the items of supply; package them for shipment; hold for transportation; transport to the requisitioning activity; and receive and distribute the items to the requisitioner."

Authors - Fortunato, Edward T., Eanes, John T.



Fortunato, Edward T., Eanes, John T.


Logistics Management Institute


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