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Urgent Reform Required: Army Expeditionary Contracting. Washington, DC : Secretary of the Army , October 31 , 2007

October 31, 2007

Secretary of the Army

From the Abstract: “The Secretary of the Army established an independent Commission on Army Acquisition and Program Management in Expeditionary Operations to review the lessons learned in recent operations and provide forward-looking recommendations to ensure that future military operations achieve greater effectiveness, efficiency, and transparency. The Commission assessed process including internal controls, personnel, organization, training, policy and regulation, as well as explored legislative solutions, to ensure that the Army is properly equipped for future expeditionary operations. The Operational Army is expeditionary and on a war footing, but does not yet fully recognize the impact of contractors in expeditionary operations and on mission success, as evidenced by poor requirements definition. The Commission found that the following critical segments of the Institutional Army have not adapted in order to enable responsive acquisitions and sustainment for expeditionary operations. Specifically 1 Financial management 2 Civilian and military personnel 3 Contracting and contract management 4 Training and education 5 Doctrine, regulations, and processes. These key failures encumber the Army acquisition systems performance and have significantly contributed to the waste, fraud, and abuse in-theater by Army personnel.”



Commission on Army Acquisition, Program Management in Expeditionary Operations.


Secretary of the Army

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