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Ten Rules for Defense Management Reform : War on the Rocks , July 9 , 2019

July 9, 2019

War on the Rocks

From the document: “For the last 30 years, I’ve worked on defense management issues on congressional staff and in senior Pentagon positions. I’ve watched as every secretary of defense has sought to streamline and improve management at the Department of Defense. And yet, the consensus is that the Pentagon remains trapped by outdated systems and a culture that make it almost impervious to streamlining and innovation. While some of the reform efforts have been more successful than others, many have failed because they overlooked simple and obvious rules about why and how management reform works (or doesn’t work) in Washington. It would be too much to expect any administration to reverse the Pentagon’s reputation for bureaucracy and inefficiency, but future reform leaders will make measurable progress if they follow ten basic rules for successful management reform.”


Levine, Peter


War on the Rocks

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