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Sources of Weapon Systems Innovation in the Department of Defense: The Role of In-House Research and Development 1945-2000 : Office of the Secretary of Defense Historical Office , 2008


Office of the Secretary of Defense Historical Office

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From the preface: “When I began working on this monograph as a contract historian for the Defense Acquisition History Project at the U.S. Army Center of Military History (CMH) in June 2005, I knew very little about American military history. My knowledge of the field was limited to a few periods and events directly relevant to the subject of my doctoral dissertation. That gap has since narrowed significantly, thanks in no small part to the input and expertise provided by my colleagues on the project. Glen Asner, Nancy Berlage, and Chris Dachi first introduced me to the Defense Acquisition History Project, and Jeffrey Clarke, then Chief Historian (now Chief of Military History), hired me to write this monograph. I am especially grateful to them and to Alfred Goldberg, Stuart Rochester, Richard Stewart, and Louis Galambos for their encouragement and guidance.”

Authors - Lassman, Thomas C.



Lassman, Thomas C.


Office of the Secretary of Defense Historical Office


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