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Report of the Acquisition Advisory Panel to the Office of Federal Procurement Policy and the United States Congress. Section 1423 Report. Washington, DC : Acquisition Advisory Panel , January , 2007

January 2007

Acquisition Advisory Panel

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Background: “The federal government is the single largest buyer in the world. Each year federal agencies spend nearly $400 billion a year for a range of goods and services to meet their mission needs. Some acquisitions are highly specialized—advanced fighter jets, precision munitions, nuclear submarines—for which there is no non-governmental or commercial demand. Other goods and services are readily available and purchased from the commercial marketplace. From laptop computers and off-the-shelf software to information technology (“IT”) consulting services, software development, and engineering services, federal agencies rely upon common commercial goods and services to conduct their business. In addition, commercial products may be modified to meet government needs. In all of these circumstances government acquisition process intersects with the private sector and the federal government can benefit from knowing how commercial buyers approach the acquisition process.”

Authors - Acquisition Advisory Panel



Acquisition Advisory Panel


Acquisition Advisory Panel


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