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Providing the Means of War: Perspectives on Defense Acquisition, 1945–2000. Washington, DC : United States Army Center of Military History, Industrial College of the Armed Forces , 2005


United States Army Center of Military History, Industrial College of the Armed Forces

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From the introduction: “In 1948, the Research Institute of America issued a publication entitled How Rearmament Affects Your Business. 1 Referring to the dramatic role science and technology assumed in the recently terminated world war, the report noted that “the day of a Buck Rogers type of war hasn’t arrived yet, but there has been a revolution in military science which will snowball the problems of industry.”2 This “revolution,” heralded by such tools of warfare as the atomic bomb, long-range bombers, guided missiles, highspeed (jet) aircraft, and radar, had shaped the outcome of World War II, and in the years to come, it promised to change the nature of political relations between the United States and Soviet Union.”

Authors - Brown, Shannon A.



Brown, Shannon A.


United States Army Center of Military History, Industrial College of the Armed Forces


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