Defense Business Transformation: Sustaining Progress Requires Continuity of Leadership and an Integrated Approach. Statement of David M. Walker, Comptroller General, before the Subcommittee on Readiness and Management Support, Senate Committee on Armed Services , February , 2008
From the document: “DOD’s senior leadership has shown a commitment to transforming DOD’s business operations and taken steps that have yielded progress in many respects, especially during the past two years. To sustain its efforts, DOD still needs (1) a strategic planning process and a comprehensive, integrated, and enterprise-wide plan or set of plans to guide transformation and (2) a full-time, term-based, senior management official to provide focused and sustained leadership. Congress has clearly recognized the need for executive-level attention and, through the National Defense Authorization Act for fiscal year 2008, has designated the Deputy Secretary of Defense as DOD’s Chief Management Officer (CMO), created a Deputy CMO position, and designated a CMO for each military department.”
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