Defense Acquisition: Observations Two Years After the Packard Commission. Volume 2. Background Papers IDA Report R-347-VOL-2. , 1989
From the Introduction: “To examine the acquisition process, this study reviewed the acquisition organization, decision making, procedures, and personnel. The Department of Defense 3 (DOD) acquisition process involves a vast array of players, from the Secretary of Defense and his office (OSD) to the four Military Departments, and includes complex decision making--the Planning, Programming, and Budgeting System (PPBS) and the major program milestone review. The Packard Commission recommendations and this study have focused on these organizations and processes. Volume II contains five working papers that examine, in depth, selected issues relating to the acquisition process and organization.”
Authors - Graham, David, Bicksler, Barbara A., Fox, J. Ronald, Gilligan, Michael, Hilton, Robert P., Transue, John R., Turner, Robert D.Subjects
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