Defense Acquisition: Observations Two Years After the Packard Commission IDA Report R-347-VOL-1. , November , 1988
From the report: “In its 1986 report, the Packard Commission called for radical chLnge in tic defense acquisition process and made recommendations in several areav. orgazization, decision making, policy, and management1 President Reagan and the Congress directed the Department of Defense (DOD) to implement nearly all of the Packard Commission recommendations. Consiatent with this guidance, two Under Secretaries for Acquisition, Richard Godwin and Robert Costello, have attempted to implement acquisition reform within the DOD following distinctly different approaches. This study describes what has been accomplished over the last two years and proposes an agenda for continued improvements.”
Authors - Bicksler, Barbara A., Hilton, Robert P., Marshall, Hoyler H., Kanter, Herschel E.Subjects
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