Assessing the Use of Data Analytics in Department of Defense Acquisition : RAND Corporation , 2019
From the report: “In 2016, Congress raised concerns about whether the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) is making optimal use of data analytics in its acquisition decision making. The Joint Explanatory Statement of the Committee of Conference accompanying the fiscal year (FY) 2017 National Defense Authorization Act directed the Secretary of Defense “to brief the Armed Services Committees of the Senate and House of Representatives on the use of data analysis, measurement, and other evaluation-related methods in DOD acquisition programs.”
Authors - Anton, Philip S., McKernan, Megan, Munson, Ken, Kallimani, James G., Levedahl, Alexis, Blickstein, Irv, Drezner, Jeffrey A. , Newberry, Sydne J.Subjects
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