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An Overview of Acquisition Reform Cost Savings Estimates MR-1329-AF. Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation , 2001


RAND Corporation

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From the report: “This report supports a larger RAND project entitled “The Cost of Future Military Aircraft: Historical Cost Estimating Relationships and Cost Reduction Initiatives.” The purpose of the project is to update the technical cost models and cost estimating relationships (CERs) for fixed-wing combat aircraft in light of R&D, manufacturing, organizational, and programmatic advances and reforms that have taken place over the past decade. Taking into account the potential overlap of claimed savings resulting from new (post-1990) aircraft design and manufacturing initiatives (especially for advanced airframe materials), acquisition reform, and lean implementation, the RAND project divided the research effort into five areas.”

Authors - Lorell, Mark, Graser, John C.



Lorell, Mark, Graser, John C.


RAND Corporation


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