Statement of Peter Levine: Hearing of the Readiness Subcommittee of the Senate Armed Services Committee Regarding the Defense Acquisition System , March 20 , 2024
From the document: "Senator Hirono, Senator Sullivan, Members of the Subcommittee – thank you for inviting me here today to address the state of the defense acquisition system and the next steps for acquisition reform. The views I express today are my own, and should not be interpreted as reflecting the position of the Institute for Defense Analyses.
Every year, the Department spends several hundred billion dollars to purchase everything from guided missiles to truck tires and from accounting services to nuclear reactors. Tens of thousands of military and civilian acquisition professionals serving in hundreds of DOD organizations in every part of the world make millions of decisions that contribute to the success or failure of these purchases. Because DOD operates with public funds, these decisions must be fair, consistent, and defensible, and are frequently subject to appeal."
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