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DoDI 8910.01, DoD Implementation of the Paperwork Reduction Act : Department of Defense , December 5, , 2022

December 5, 2022

Department of Defense

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From the document: "Before collecting information, Components must ensure that the proposed collection is not duplicative of previously collected information. When information is not already available, users must ensure that both of the following conditions are met: (1) Other methods (e.g., statistical sampling) cannot be used to minimize any information collection burdens. (2) The information collection request is mission essential to the requesting organization and the cost of the collection is worth the benefit derived from it. b. Collections of information must be designed to meet only essential needs and include reasonable due dates. One-time information collections may not be imposed when the need for a recurring collection of information is indicated. c. Information collected in the DoD must be minimized, accounted for, and controlled in accordance with this issuance. The DoD will submit information collections and an annual information collection budget (ICB) of burden hours to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) in accordance with Part 1320 of Title 5, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)."

Authors - Department of Defense


Department of Defense


Department of Defense


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