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Cloud Security Playbook: Volume 1 , February 11 , 2025

February 11, 2025

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From the document: "The Department of Defense (DoD) hosts many of its server-side capabilities in various clouds. Cybersecurity can be as good in a cloud as in a non-cloud (on premises) environment, and since the Cloud Service Provider (CSP) maintains the cloud services, it can be even better. CSPs offer significant cybersecurity services that help reduce cybersecurity risk. In general, CSPs are responsible for both the physical security and cybersecurity of the cloud infrastructure, while Mission Owners (MO) are responsible for the cybersecurity of the software they host in the cloud. But MOs are also responsible for securing and properly configuring and instantiating the cloud services that they use.

Proper cloud security involves numerous actions. This playbook describes the most important actions to take to secure DoD capabilities in a cloud and reduce cybersecurity risk. Many of the plays described involve more detail than can be included here, so this playbook includes numerous references to documents that provide those details. Implementing all the applicable plays will significantly enhance cybersecurity and thus reduce mission risk.

The Cloud Security Playbook is divided into two volumes. This is the first volume."

Authors - Department of Defense


Department of Defense


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