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DoD IT Enterprise Strategy and Roadmap (v1.0) : Department of Defense , September 6 , 2011

September 6, 2011

Department of Defense

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From the document: "The number of networks the Department of Defense (DoD) uses to execute its missions has increased significantly over the past 30 years. Although these networks have proved vital to DoD’s success, the incremental and evolutionary manner in which DoD develops information technology (IT) has resulted in layers of stove-piped systems that are difficult to integrate and not as effective as needed. Although DoD’s IT infrastructure enables warfighters to operate effectively in the twenty-first century, the unnecessary complexity of our networks and IT reduces our ability to secure our information systems, hampers our ability to share information, and needlessly consumes the finite resources available to DoD. This untenable situation requires us to make dramatic changes in how we develop, implement, and sustain IT across DoD. Together, we must modify existing processes to reduce complexity and optimize our networks for the joint environment. Our goals are to dramatically increase our cyber security posture, increase our effectiveness across joint and coalition lines, and reduce the resources our networks consume."

Authors - Chief Information Officer


Chief Information Officer


Department of Defense


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