Defense Management: Observations on DOD's Business Reform Efforts and Plan : Government Accountability Office (GAO) , September , 2019
From the report: "DOD spends billions of dollars each year to maintain key business operations intended to support the warfighter. The John S. McCain National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2019 established requirements for DOD to reform its enterprise business operations.
Section 921 of the act required the Secretary of Defense, acting through the Chief Management Officer, to submit to the congressional defense committees by February 1, 2019, a plan, schedule, and cost estimate for reforms of DOD’s enterprise business operations to increase effectiveness and efficiency of mission execution. Section 921 also requires GAO to provide a report assessing the feasibility of the plan. GAO’s objectives were to assess (1) DOD’s 921 plan, including its feasibility in reforming DOD’s business operations, and (2) the extent to which DOD has made progress in implementing the plan and its broader reform efforts.
GAO reviewed DOD’s plan and associated documentation and interviewed DOD officials on efforts to reform business operations of the department, including the development and implementation of the plan. GAO also reviewed its past work on DOD reform efforts and the specific subject areas covered by DOD’s reform initiatives.
GAO has previously made eight recommendations related to DOD’s reform initiatives from three prior reports. DOD concurred with those recommendations and is working to address them, in part through the initiatives GAO discusses."
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