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Back to the Future? Second Sourcing in Defense Acquisitions : George Mason University , July 12 , 2023

July 12, 2023

George Mason University

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From the report: "U.S. efforts to support the war in Ukraine have magnified the importance of supply chain resilience in the defense sector, revi­talizing discussions about second sourc­ing as a tool to strengthen the U.S. defense industrial base. In a government acquisi­tion context, the term “second sourcing” describes the practice of using at least two different suppliers to provide goods and services that are comparable or iden­tical in form and/or function. It is often undertaken when sourcing from a single supplier is no longer a sustainable pro­curement strategy due to rising demand, rising costs, poor supplier performance, or other external market conditions. 

This white paper focuses on the past and future impacts of second sourcing as a practice in U.S. defense acquisition. It examines the feasibility of renewing this method in a procurement environment in which the government remains exces­sively dependent on single- and sole-source suppliers for major sub-systems and components. 

The white paper presents a cohesive definition and potential rationale for second sourcing, placing it in the con­text of current supply chain issues and threats to the U.S. defense industrial base. After providing a brief summary of other sourcing methodologies used in the defense commercial sectors, the paper then provides a basic overview of the history of second sourcing, followed by a summary of different types of sec­ond sourcing—dual-award arrange­ments, leader-follower arrangements, competitive subcontracting, and compa­ny-funded second sourcing. Finally, the white paper analyzes current roadblocks and makes recommendations for mod­ern-day second sourcing strategies."

Authors - Letts, Olivia, McGinn, Jerry, Beutel, Richard



Letts, Olivia, McGinn, Jerry, Beutel, Richard


George Mason University


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