A Review of Space Acquisition , November 15 , 2023
From the executive summary: "The Senate Armed Services Committee Report accompanying the Fiscal Year (FY) 2023 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) required the Secretary of Defense to conduct a review of the unity of effort decision-making process for space acquisition. The NDAA directed the review to determine whether a unity of effort is agile enough for the rapid deployment of space systems to keep pace with today’s space industry. On May 9, 2023, the Deputy Secretary of Defense tasked the Defense Business Board (“DBB” or “Board”), through its Business Operations Advisory Subcommittee (“the Subcommittee”), to review the unity of effort decision-making process for space acquisition. The Terms of Reference (ToR) for this Study, found in Appendix A, guided the full scope of the Subcommittee’s research, interviews, and analysis to provide recommendations to the Department of Defense (“DoD” or “Department”) in the following areas:
• Specific statutory or regulatory changes to revise conflicting authorities in space acquisition across the DoD and/or to improve the governance process, as applicable;
• Authorities and membership of the Space Acquisition Council (SAC) to maximize integration, ensure effectiveness, and clarify the roles and responsibilities of the body;
• Streamline acquisition business processes and enhance opportunities for innovation; and
• Any other matters the Board determines are relevant to this task."
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