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David Tate


David Tate joined the research staff at the Systems and Analyses Center of the Institute for Defense Analyses in 2000. In his 20+ years with IDA, he has worked on a wide variety of national security issues, including

Dr. Tate has led acquisition cost, schedule, and risk reviews of multiple high-profile national security programs, and has contributed to numerous Analyses of Alternatives and congressionally- mandated program reviews across multiple agencies. He has authored or co-authored dozens of technical reports in the areas of decision analysis, portfolio selection, acquisition of autonomous systems, cost and schedule risk analysis, and acquisition of software-intensive systems. He has provided analytical support to multiple Congressionally-mandated studies and panels, and has served on the GAO Expert Panels for cost analysis, schedule analysis, analysis of alternatives, and technology readiness assessment.

Prior to coming to IDA, Dr. Tate was Senior Operations Research Analyst for Telecommunications at Decision-Science Applications, Inc. Before that, he was an Assistant Professor of Industrial Engineering at the University of Pittsburgh. Dr. Tate holds bachelor’s degrees in philosophy and mathematical sciences from the Johns Hopkins University, and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in operations research from Cornell University. He is an alumnus of the MIT Seminar XXI national security studies program and the Harvard executive course Leading in Artificial Intelligence.
