The DOD Budget Process: The Next Frontier of Acquisition Reform : George Mason University , July 29 , 2020
From the document: “Behind the flurry of defense management reform in the last half of the 2010s lies the desire for speed and agility. Tremendous change has come to policies on acquisition, contracting, requirements, and workforce. Remaining untouched is the next frontier of acquisition reform: the budgeting process. The landscape is starting to change. In May 2020, the Space Force released a report to Congress arguing that it's “most important” recommendation was to consolidate budget line items into capability portfolios. The FY 2021 budget request also featured the first use of a "colorless" appropriation for software programs. Impacting these efforts is the specter of the border wall reprogramming, causing Congressional appropriators to move away from budget flexibility.
Authors - Lofgren, Eric M.Related Resources