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The Department of Defense: What is Being Done to Resolve Longstanding Financial Management Problems?: Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Government Efficiency, Financial Management and Intergovernmental Relations of the Committee on Government Reform, House of Representatives. No. 107-157. : 107th Congress

107th Congress

From the document: “Mr. HORN. I think everybody is- here. We have Mr. Kutz, Mr. Hite, Mr. Warren, Ms. Jonas, Mr. Bloom, Mr. Ritchie, and Mr,, Lieberman. OK If you don't mind, we'll have you rise and raise your right hand. [Witnesses sworn.] Mr. HORN. The clerk will note that they've all affirmed. We Will start with my opening statement, but we will have to recess in a little while because two more votes have popped-up on the floor.”

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