Study on Reducing Barriers to Minority Participation in Elite Units in the Armed Services : Institute for Defense Analyses , February , 2024
From the executive summary: “The Office of the Secretary of Defense asked the Institute for Defense Analyses (IDA) to conduct a study to meet the requirements of Section 557 of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) Fiscal Year (FY) 2021. Section 557 requires the Department of Defense (DOD) to sponsor a study to assess barriers to ethnic/racial minority and women’s participation in Special Operations Forces (SOF),1 aviation (pilots/navigators), Marine Corps Force Reconnaissance (Force Recon) and Coast Guard Maritime Security Response Teams (MSRT). Collectively, we refer to all the units/specialties specified in Section 557 as “examined units/specialties.” IDA undertook four lines of effort: 1) analyzed participation in examined units/specialties by race/ethnicity and gender (Section 557(a)(2)(A)–(C), Chapters 2-5); 2) conducted focus groups to assess barriers to participation (Section 557(a)(2)(D), Chapter 6); 3) interviewed key stakeholders to assess progress on recommendations made by RAND in their 1999 report on SOF (Section 557(a)(2)(E), Chapter 7); and 4) developed recommendations to address barriers and increase access and participation for women and ethnic/racial minorities (Section 557(a)(2)(F)–(G), Chapter 8).”
Authors - Eliezer, Dina, Marcusse, Jordan R., Williams, Ashlie M., Cotting, Dave, Adams, Joseph F., et al.Subjects
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