Officer Career Management: Steps Toward Modernization in the 2018 and 2019 National Defense Authorization Acts. Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation , 2019
From the report: “Section 572 of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for fiscal year (FY) 2018 (Pub. L. 115-91) required the Secretary of Defense, in consultation with the secretaries of the military departments, to provide two reports to the Senate and House Armed Services Committees on policies for regular and reserve officer career management. These reports pertained to prospective changes in the body of statutory provisions commonly referred to as the Defense Officer Personnel Management Act (DOPMA) and the Reserve Officer Personnel Management Act (ROPMA). The first report covered promotion list sequencing, and the second addressed an additional 15 elements of review specified in the NDAA.”
Authors - Robbert, Albert A., Kidder, Katherine L., Lee, Caitlin, Schaefer, Agnes Gereben, Waggy III, William H.
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