Quantifying Potential Cost Avoidance Implications of Outcomes Reported in Behavioral and Social Science Research : RAND Corporation , 2023
From the summary: "Senior leaders often broadly appreciate the relevance of behavioral and social science research but are not able to readily compare the value of screening tests, interventions, or other factors analyzed in this literature with the benefits of operational programs or of tools to address different sets of outcomes. The research summarized in this report translates changes in outcomes often reported in behavioral and social science research results into potential cost avoidance estimates and other benefits valued by senior leaders. We focused on specific outcomes in the behavioral and social science literature of interest to the project sponsor and personnel managers: initial training attrition; first-term attrition; reenlistment and retention; job qualification; recruit market expansion; training effectiveness; recruiting resource costs and productivity; legal incidents; injuries; suicide; and health care costs, utilization, and outcomes. The types of factors we investigated included personality tests and screeners, additional screeners, incentives, compensation, recruiting resource allocation, deployments, telemedicine, and distance learning versus classroom training."
Authors - Orvis, Bruce R., Krull, Heather, Shanley, Michael G.Subjects
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