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Payment of the Full Rate of Special and Incentive Pays to Members of the Reserve Components : RAND Corporation , 2022


RAND Corporation

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From the summary: "Military service members are paid special and incentive (S&I) pays, such as hazardous duty incentive pay (HDIP) and aviation incentive pay (AvIP), on a prorated basis in proportion to the amount of basic pay they receive in a month. Typically, full-time active duty service members are assigned to the relevant duty for a full month, and so they receive the full monthly rate of the S&I pay. Typically, reserve component (RC) members serve for less than a full month and so receive a proportional amount of the pay. For example, if an RC member participates in four drill or training periods in a month (meaning two days of service) and performs qualifying duty for an S&I pay, they receive four-thirtieths of the full rate of the S&I pay."

Authors - Marrone, James V., Mattock, Michael G., Asch, Beth J., Acheson-Field, Hannah



Marrone, James V., Mattock, Michael G., Asch, Beth J., Acheson-Field, Hannah


RAND Corporation


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