Pay for Performance in the Public Sector—Benefits and (Hidden) Costs 387–412 : Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory , 2010
From the report: ”There is a long-standing belief that the public sector and nonprofits need to be more businesslike in their attitudes and operations (Dart 2004). As a consequence, current reforms in the public sector are characterized by the introduction of management practices and techniques originally developed for the business sector, for example, budgeting techniques, market analysis, and performance management (Lane 1997; Moynihan 2006). One of the most significant challenges is the introduction of businesslike incentive structures, in particular the introduction of “pay for performance” schemes in public institutions (Varone and Giauque 2001; Swiss 2005; Cardona 2006).”
Authors - Weibel, Antoinette, Rost, Katja, Osterloh, Margit
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