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Manpower Alternatives to Enhance Total Force Capabilities: Could New Forms of Reserve Service Help Alleviate Military Shortfalls? : RAND Corporation , 2019


RAND Corporation

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From the preface: "Developed in the first half of the twentieth century, the basic structure of participation in the U.S. military reserve components (RCs) still reflects many of the sociocultural trends of that era: RC members were more likely then to have a long-term civilian career with a single employer and established benefits, weekends free for nonwork activities, and two-parent families with only one parent working outside the home, to name a few. Changes in employment stability, family structure, and economic pressures since that time created both challenges and opportunities for how the RCs are used to meet national military requirements. Modifying assumptions about Reserve duty has the potential to improve RC member recruitment, performance, development, and retention in critical experience-reliant occupational fields— and it could stem projected manpower losses by providing alternative RC service options and enhancing recruitment of those in fields with highly competitive civilian industries, such as cyberspecialties, information technology, and aviation."

Authors - Dalzell, Stephen, Dunigan, Molly, Carter, Phil, Costello, Katherine, Donohue, Amy Grace, Pollard, Michael S., Phillips, Brian M., et al.



Dalzell, Stephen, Dunigan, Molly, Carter, Phil, Costello, Katherine, Donohue, Amy Grace, Pollard, Michael S., Phillips, Brian M., et al.


RAND Corporation


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