Improving the DOD Manpower Management Workforce : Center for Naval Analyses (CNA) , 2020
From the report: “The manpower management (MM) process in the Department of Defense (DOD) determines the quantity and mix of Total Force labor necessary for a given activity. It ensures that there are enough people with the right capabilities to achieve the mission, while considering which type of labor is the most cost effective. This process for determining, assessing, and validating requirements, associated manpower, and the workforce mix necessary to achieve an organization’s mission is complex and requires specialized knowledge, skills, abilities (KSAs) and experience. Unlike other career fields, however, there currently is no common training or certification process that ensures minimum standards and competencies among those performing MM functions: each component handles the personnel performing MM functions differently. This project examines whether common training and standards for all personnel performing MM functions in DOD is achievable and desirable.”
Authors - Wolfanger, Jessica, Kraus, AmandaSubjects
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