Financial Management: Hearing Before the Committee on Governmental Affairs, United States Senate. S. Hrg. 103-855 : 100th Congress
100th Congress
From the document: “Chairman GLENN. The hearing will be in order. Good morning. Today, the Governmental Affairs Committee meets to examine progress made by the Defense Department in improving its financial management practices and systems. Now, this sound like a topic that could empty this room or any other room around here m a big hurry, probably, but whether or not the Pentagon makes progress in this area has an enormous impact on how the Government operates and on how Americans view their Government. We are talking many, many tens upon tens of billions of dollars. We all fuss over something in the budget that involves smaller amounts of money, and we should, but on the efficiency or the follow-up of how that money gets spent, we have been all too lax for too many years.”
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