Establishing Gender-Neutral Physical Standards for Ground Combat Occupations: Volume 2. A Review of the Military Services' Methods : RAND Corporation , 2018
From the preface: "On January 24, 2013, the Secretary of Defense and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff announced rescission of the 1994 Direct Ground Combat Definition and Assignment Rule, which restricted assignments of women to occupational specialties or positions in or collocated with direct ground combat units. After the announced decision to eliminate the rule, the fiscal year 2014 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) directed establishment of gender-neutral and valid physical standards prior to opening any of the restricted occupations to women and gave the services until no later than September 2015 to demonstrate that such standards were in place."
Authors - Hardison, Chaitra M., Hosek, Susan D., Saavedra, Anna Rosefsky
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