Enhancing the Performance of Senior Department of Defense Civilian Executives, Reserve Component General/Flag Officers, and Senior Noncommissioned Officers in Joint Matters : RAND Corporation , 2008
From the preface: "The events that led to passage of the Goldwater-Nichols Act of 1986 demonstrated the need for active component officers to have deep knowledge of and expertise in joint matters, and today’s active-duty military has become progressively more joint. In recent years, our nation’s joint military activities have also seen higher participation rates from the reserve component, senior civilians, and senior noncommissioned officers. Thus, the need for “jointness” within these three groups has become increasingly important. Further, the National Defense Authorization Act of 2005 required the Secretary of Defense to submit an assessment of the performance of these three groups in joint matters, as well as an assessment of current initiatives to improve that performance."
Authors - Conley, Raymond E., Masi, Ralph, Rostker, Bernard D., Shukiar, Herb, Drezner, Stephen M.
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