Enactment and Implementation of the National Security Personnel System: Policy Made and Policy Unmade. : Public Administration Review , November , 2011
November 2011
Public Administration Review
From the abstract: “This case study reviews the enactment and implementation of the National Security Personnel System (NSPS) in the U.S. Department of Defense. Proponents of reform seized the opportunity to enact reform in the aftermath of 9/11, basing their arguments on national security concerns. However, the policy-making process did not produce a consensus for reform among key stakeholders in the personnel management policy community. Instead, the NSPS angered and alienated the Office of Personnel Management, the public employee unions, and a number of congressional Democrats. Implementation of the NSPS became problematic as Defense Department officials attempted to move quickly and independently to get the new system online, eventually forcing the department to put the system on hold.”
Authors - Brook, Douglas A., King, Cynthia L.
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