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DOD Instruction 1332.45 Retention Determinations for Non-Deployable Service Members, July 30, 2018 (Incorporating Change 1 , April 27, , 2021

April 27, 2021

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From the document: “It is DOD policy that: a. To maximize the lethality and readiness of the joint force, all Service members are expected to be deployable. b. Service members who are considered non-deployable for more than 12 consecutive months will be evaluated for: (1) A retention determination by their respective Military Departments. (2) As appropriate, referral into the Disability Evaluation System (DES) in accordance with DOD Instruction (DODI) 1332.18 or initiation of processing for administrative separation in accordance with DODI 1332.14 or DODI 1332.30. This policy on retention determinations for non-deployable Service members does not supersede the policies and processes concerning referral to the DES or the initiation of administrative separation proceedings found in these issuances.”



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