DOD Instruction 1315.18 Procedures for Military Personnel Assignments, October 28, 2015 (Incorporating Change 3 , June 24 , 2019
From the document: “PURPOSE. This instruction: a. Reissues DOD Instruction (DODI) 1315.18 (Reference (a)) in accordance with the authority in DOD Directive 5124.02 (Reference (b)) to establish policy, assign responsibilities, and provide procedures for the assignment and reassignment of Service members. b. Provides permanent change of station (PCS) policies and procedures to be used by the Military Services in maintaining an equitable assignment system for enhancing career attractiveness and professional development, sustaining an assignment base for overseas tours of duty, achieving stability for tour completions, developing tour lengths consistent with maintaining a high degree of combat capability and readiness, and achieving PCS stability.”
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