DOD Directive 5124.02 Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness (USD(P&R)) , June 23 , 2008
From the document: “Under the authority vested in the Secretary of Defense by sections 113 and 136 of Reference (a), this Directive: 1.1. Reissues Reference (b) to update the responsibilities, functions, relationships, and authorities of the USD(P&R); incorporates References (c) and (d) and Deputy Secretary of Defense Memorandums, “Authority Delegation - National Security Personnel System (NSPS) Rate Range and Local Market Supplement Adjustments,” “Guidelines for Implementation and Administration of Joint Officer Management Program Joint Qualification System,” and “Transfer of Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences to TRICARE Management Activity and Rescission of the Department of Navy as Department of Defense Executive Agent” (References (e) through (g)); and cancels References (e) and (g).”
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