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Deployment Experiences of Guard and Reserve Families: Implications for Support and Retention : RAND Corporation , 2008


RAND Corporation

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From the preface: "The use of the Guard and Reserve has steadily increased since the first Gulf War. Additionally, the 2005 National Defense Authorization Act codified the Reserve Component’s transition from a strategic reserve to an operational reserve, suggesting that this increased utilization will continue as the Global War on Terror persists. However, demographic differences between active component and reserve component families suggest that the latter may face different issues during deployment and consequently require different types of support."

Authors - Werber, Laura, Harrell, Margaret C., Varda, Danielle M., Hall, Kimberly Curry, Beckett, Megan K., et al.



Werber, Laura, Harrell, Margaret C., Varda, Danielle M., Hall, Kimberly Curry, Beckett, Megan K., et al.


RAND Corporation


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