Self-Selection as a Tool for Managing the Demands on Department of Defense (DOD) Personnel. Alexandria, VA : Institute for Defense Analyses , November , 2010
From the abstract: “To protect the long term health of U.S. military forces, Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates has established targets for combat zone duty of no more than one year in three for Active Duty personnel and involuntary mobilizations of at most one year in six for National Guard and Reserve personnel. This study develops an approach to accomplish the Secretary's objectives. It provides prototype data and analytical tools for monitoring and assessing service member combat zone duty. It describes management mechanisms designed to discipline the demand for individuals in high-use occupations, to improve to utilization of available individuals, and to augment available supplies through the targeted use of self-selection.”
Authors - Graham, David, Adams, Joseph F., Brinkerhoff, John, Burns, William, Doyle, Colin, Johnson, Hansford T., et al.
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