Defense Logistics Agency—Defense Information Systems Agency Charter Review : Defense Business Board , November 13 , 2020
From the report: “On August 3, 2020, the Deputy Secretary of Defense (DepSecDef) requested the Defense Business Board (DBB) examine the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) and the Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) chartering documents to assist the Department of Defense (DOD) by providing a private industry perspective of the organizational responsibilities and authorities. The tasking stated, in order to confirm relevance and avoid mission overlap, a review of chartering documents is overdue. The tasking recognized the potential for realizing significant savings exists across the Defense Agencies and Field Activities (DAFA) by adopting global shared services, combining entities, refining mission focus, and eliminating any missions that are no longer critical. The Deputy asked the DBB Task Group to examine chartering documents and provide a private industry perspective of the responsibilities and authorities of DLA and DISA.”
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