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Building the Best Offensive and Defensive Cyber Workforce: Volume II, Attracting and Retaining Enlisted and Civilian Personnel. Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation , 2021


RAND Corporation

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From the report: “Cyberwarfare is considered a core element of the U.S. Air Force (USAF) mission. People with cybersecurity skill sets are in great demand, not only in the military but also in the private sector. As a result, USAF is concerned that recruiting and retaining talented cyber personnel might be increasingly difficult. Thus, USAF expressed an interest in better understanding the perspectives of members of its cyber workforce and the insights that could be gained from their views. USAF turned to RAND Project AIR FORCE for assistance in gathering these insights. Prior RAND work explored these issues among officers; this report focuses on enlisted and civilian members of the cyber workforce.”

Authors - Hardison, Chaitra M., Payne, Leslie Adrienne, Whitaker, Julia, Lawrence, Anthony, Pavisic, Ivica



Hardison, Chaitra M., Payne, Leslie Adrienne, Whitaker, Julia, Lawrence, Anthony, Pavisic, Ivica


RAND Corporation


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