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Attracting, Recruiting, and Retaining Successful Cyberspace Operations Officers: Cyber Workforce Interview Findings : RAND Corporation , 2019


RAND Corporation

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From the preface: "Cybersecurity is one of the most serious economic and national security challenges we face as a nation. Given the U.S. Air Force mission to “fly, fight and win in air, space and cyberspace,” addressing this potential security threat falls squarely within the Air Force’s responsibility. Because of concerns over the current health and future state of the Air Force’s cyberspace community, Air Force leadership asked RAND Project AIR FORCE (PAF) to explore perspectives within the cyberspace operations officer (17D) community to help the Air Force gain insights into key drivers of retention and attraction to the career field."

Authors - Hardison, Chaitra M., Payne, Leslie Adrienne, Hamm, John A., Clague, Angela, Torres, Jacqueline, Schulker, David, Crown, John S.



Hardison, Chaitra M., Payne, Leslie Adrienne, Hamm, John A., Clague, Angela, Torres, Jacqueline, Schulker, David, Crown, John S.


RAND Corporation


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