An Assessment of the Military Survivor Benefit Plan. Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation , 2018
From the summary: “Congress requested a review of the Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP) in Section 648 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017 (Pub. L. 114-328). SBP covers service members who are performing in an authorized-duty status—whether active or inactive duty—and die in the line of duty (we refer to this as dying on duty), as well as military retirees enrolled in SBP. Retirees are automatically enrolled in SBP at the time of retirement but may choose not to enroll (U.S. Department of Defense [DOD], Defense Finance Accounting Service, 2015a).”
Authors - Asch, Beth J., Hosek, James, Mattock, Michael G., Gutierrez, Italo A., Tong, Patricia K., Knutson, FelixSubjects
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