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A New Approach for Assessing the Needs of Service Members and Their Families : RAND Corporation , 2011


RAND Corporation

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From the preface: "In 1971, in the middle of the undeclared wars in Southeast Asia and with America engaged in combat in South Vietnam, Congress agreed to President Nixon’s proposal to transition to an all-volunteer force. Since then, all of the Military Services have relied on volunteers to meet their manpower needs. One aspect unique to the allvolunteer force is the high proportion of military members who are married and have children. This presented new challenges, and a great many programs have been developed since then to help members and their families. This volume undertakes the challenge of developing a tool that the Department of Defense (DoD) and local military commanders can employ to gauge the range of problems and problem-related needs of service members and their families, how well those needs are being met, the barriers and bridges to meeting those needs, and which populations might need a focused outreach. It also provides an overview of how to maximize the utility of this tool through implementation. The basic framework of the tool has broad applicability. The content of the survey instrument offered here could easily be adapted to other populations or purposes. It could be modified to address other populations, such as veterans and their families, or the needs of families in a foreign country. The individual questionnaire items can be modified to reflect emerging or declining issues or to delve in more detail into particular matters such as well-being. As long as the overarching framework and interrelated survey item design are preserved, the new methodology and the computer programs that support it can be adapted in a variety of ways without compromising the basic utility of the approach."

Authors - Miller, Laura L., Rostker, Bernard D., Burns, Rachel M., Barnes-Proby, Dionne, Lara-Cinisomo, Sandraluz, West, Terry R.



Miller, Laura L., Rostker, Bernard D., Burns, Rachel M., Barnes-Proby, Dionne, Lara-Cinisomo, Sandraluz, West, Terry R.


RAND Corporation


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