Public Sector Enterprise Risk Management: Advancing Beyond the Basics , May 24 , 2019
May 24, 2019
"Through a series of case studies and selected special topics, Public Sector Enterprise Risk Management presents examples from leading Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) programs on overcoming bureaucratic obstacles, developing a positive risk culture, and making ERM a valuable part of day-to-day management. Specifically designed to help government risk managers, with concepts and approaches to help them advance risk management beyond the basics, the book:
Many government organizations can refer to the growing body of materials that provide examples of ERM processes and procedures. Far fewer reference materials and examples exist to help organizations develop a risk-mature organizational culture that is critical to the long-term success and strategic value that ERM represents to government organizations.
Public Sector Enterprise Risk Management begins to fill that void and is intended to help public sector risk managers overcome barriers that inhibit ERM from becoming an active contributor to major decisions that top officials must make."
Authors - Fletcher, Kenneth C., Stanton, Thomas H.Subjects
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