Insights from the Marine Corps Organizational Culture Research Project: Generational Differences in the Marine Corps-Exploring Issues and Frictions Between Older and Younger Marines , June 23 , 2020
From the report: “When discussing the broad topics of leadership, cohesion, and gender bias, Marine participants in the Marine Corps Organizational Culture Research (MCOCR) Project talked about generational differences. While at first glance many of them attributed those differences to Marines belonging to different age cohorts with their unique characteristics created before they joined the Corps, the Marines also revealed much more nuanced insights that identified experiences within the institution that either created or contributed to those differences. As the Marine Corps integrates new recruits into its ranks and seeks to understand how they are different from previous recruits, we suggest that to better understand the new generation of Marines, the institution needs to look at changes within the institution that create those differences. In other words, in addition to studying how the demographic makeup and characteristics of new recruits coming from civilian society are different from those of previous generations of recruits, the Corps needs to look at how the experiences of those recruits once inside the institution distinguish them from other Marines.”
Authors - Tashev, Blagovest, Fosher, KerryRelated Resources