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Human Resources Flexibilities and Authorities in the Federal Government , August , 2013

August 2013

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From the document: "This handbook summarizes the major human resources (HR) flexibilities and authorities in the Federal Government and is intended as a reference material for managers, supervisors, and employees on personnel matters dealing with recruiting, retaining, and motivating the Federal workforce. These HR tools and requirements, which should be used in a strategic manner, are a critical component in ensuring that the Federal Government maintains a world-class workforce to serve the American people.

Handbook Organization

The Human Resources Flexibilities and Authorities Handbook is divided into three parts.

Part I describes how the Governmentwide HR practices convey the message that the Federal Government is a "single employer" with common policies.

Part II is designed for the non-executive workforce (e.g., General Schedule, Federal Wage System). It will help to: 

  • Learn what is available to assist in developing integrated and merit-based systems that make sense for the organization
  • Foster greater balance of employees' work and nonwork time for greater productivity and higher morale
  • Inject new skills and competencies into the workforce
  • Develop compensation, performance and reward systems that send clear messages high performance is valued and rewarded
  • Tackle workforce challenges in general

Part III is devoted to the flexibilities and authorities designed specifically for the Senior Executive Service."

Authors - Office of Personnel Management



Office of Personnel Management


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