Health Professions’ Retention-Accession Incentives Study Report to Congress (Phase 1: Compensation Comparison of Selected Uniformed and Private-Sector Health Care Professionals) : Center for Naval Analyses (CNA) , February , 2001
From the introduction: "The Military Health System (MHS) is charged with maintaining a healthy active duty force, attending to the sick and wounded in time of conflict, and successfully competing for and treating patients within the peacetime benefit mission. Because the military relies on a single force to meet these sometimes disparate missions, it must first attract and access high-quality health care professionals, then cultivate an environment that retains the required inventory of these highly skilled professionals, and ultimately ensure that these personnel are competent in both wartime and peacetime benefit settings"
Authors - Brannman, Shayne, Almendarez, Michele, Rattelman, Cori, Scherer, ElaineSubjects
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