Defense Resourcing for the Future: Final Report , March 6 , 2024
From the report: "The Commission on Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution (PPBE) Reform has concluded that a new approach to the defense resourcing process is required to better maintain the security of the American people. For many years the current PPBE process has ably supported United States (U.S.) national security. However, the security environment is rapidly evolving, and the current PPBE process is not capable of responding as quickly and effectively as needed to support today’s warfighter. The Department of Defense (DoD) needs a new process, one that enables strategy to drive resource allocation in a more rigorous, joint, and analytically informed way. The new process should also embrace changes that enable the DoD to respond effectively to emerging threats while leveraging technological advances."
Authors - Commission on Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution ReformSubjects
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